Saturday, September 1, 2012


I heard far away voices, my bed was moving, everything was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up. The elevator bell dinged and the door closed and that's when I really started feeling sick. I still couldn't see anything, but I heard Mark's voice and felt him grab my hand.

I started to come to and realized that Matt, Mark's brother was there. He had come and spent the entire day with Mark while I was in surgery. I'm thankful he came to entertain Mark since my surgery was supposed to be 1 1/2 hours long but ended up being 5 1/2 hours long.

Granny and Papa Harper were there too. I asked for some water but was given ice chips...Granny spoon fed me ice for the next hour. I felt good but I was starving and the nurses wouldn't allow me to eat since I had been nauseus.

Later in the evening after she got off work, when I was much more alert Kasey, Matt's wife came. She helped me freshen up and change out of my hospital gown into my cute new pink pajamas.She and I were finally able convince Matt and Mark to leave and get some food to eat around 9pm. Mark hadn't eaten since we left the house at 5:30am and he was starving! Kasey insisted on staying the night in the hospital with me and after we sent Matt and Mark home we talked a lot and had a great bonding time. The nurses brought her a pillow and blanket and she attempted to get comfortable on the stiff recliner chair when the nurses wheeled in a half dead lady to share the room with me...it was a long night listening to the lady moan and wheeze and gasp to breathe. We called the nurses many times to come check on her! (she lived)

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