Thursday, November 15, 2012

Side Effects of Chemo and Natural Remedies

These last few months I've learned and experienced more than I ever cared to know about chemotherapy and its horrible side effects. But I have been so blessed to be able find natural ways lessen the side effects and to help keep my body healthy during treatment.

Some of the side effects that I experienced were:
Mouth: sores, raw tongue, metal taste, sore teeth
Eyes: twitching, weepy, clogged tear duct
Body: achy bones, nausea, constipation, hot flashes
Head: headaches, memory loss
Loss of all hair

Since my decision to do chemotherapy was very difficult to make (and even more difficult to accept) the side effects really affected me emotionally. I really struggled with anexiety about what chemo would do to my body and even doubted my decision to do it. But after I began acupuncture and a friend gave me her juicer to use and I was given several natural supplements to take I felt like I was doing good things to help my body during treatments which brought some peace of mind.

Acupuncture and neural therapy helped reduce and even take away many of the side effects. I started going to acupuncture once a week but increased to three times a week.

I increased my daily consumption of supplements.

I took 3-4 Tablespoons daily of each of the Mannetech products: Ambrotose, Nutriverus, Phyl Aloe.

I continued taking my Juice Plus supplements and made sure the kids ate their JP gummies.

I started out juicing daily but during treatment week I was not able to drink anything but lemon water. Some of the veggies I juiced: kale, spinach, carrots, beets, celery, cucumber.

My good friend Cheryl is a pharmacist and she made Magic Mouth Wash which is a mixture of: Lidocain, Benedryl and Mylanta. I also rinsed nightly with a warm salt water rinse.

One of the ways I tried to keep us from getting sick with common colds and other germs the kids could pick up from school was to give them silver and vinegar.

Bragg's Vinegar with the "Mother". A couple teaspoons a day whenever the kids got sick or I felt I was at risk of getting sick.

I continued to drink SueroViv which is one of Beyond Organics hydrating drinks. It restores, replenishes, rehydrates while supplying the body with essential oils, antioxidants and probiotics.

I won a bottle of Revitin in drawing. It is a natural mouth care paste that is gentle yet effective in cleansing. Great to use when suffering with mouth sores and raw tongue.

The dry skin brush help relieve the itchy dry skin as well as cleanse the body from toxins. I have been using it to help keep from getting lymphoma after having so many lymph nodes removed.

Prayer is the best and most powerful thing you or I could do in my fight with cancer! Thank you all who have prayed for me!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Love and Support

My parents, George and Ruth Smith have sacrificed so much to help my family out during my fight with breast cancer. My mom flew out with just a weeks notice in May and stayed two weeks to help my family for my mastectomy surgery. They were both able to fly out and spend two weeks with us in August to help with my 2nd chemotherapy treatment. 

My Aunt Mary flew out for a week after my 2nd treatment and was here with my parents and sisters. She spoiled me and loved on the kids. 

My sweet Aunt Betty flew out to help us with my 3rd treatment. She was so much fun to have around! She even took Mark and the kids to Disney!

My special friend, Joan, flew in to help with my 4th treatment. She is such an encourager and had calming way with the kids.

 My wonderful Mother-In-Law, Pam, came for my 5th treatment. My kids enjoyed the special time with grandma and I enjoyed the deep cleaning she did!

My dad, flew out for the week of my 6th and final treatment and at the last minute my mom was able to come out for the following week. She flew in the night before he left. The love, prayers and support from my family has sustained me through these difficult months.

I am so thankful for my family and friends who have sacrificed their time and money to make sure someone was here to take care of me and my family during each treatment.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pink Game

On Friday October 19th, Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, the high school that my husband Mark, is the head football coach at, honored me by having a "Pink Game". The school had special shirts made that said "Cheering for Katie" on the front. Everyone wore the pink shirts to the game and our side of the stands was colored pink! They had pink bead necklaces, pink cupcakes, pink cake-pops, pink tables, pink donation cans, pink, pink, pink! 

Words cannot express the emotions that I felt when the athletic director from First Academy in Orlando presented me with a check from his school. I was already overcome with emotions from all that Holy Trinity had done for me that special night! And then to be blessed by the opposing team, I was just a crying mess!

Then to add my tears after First Academy gave me their check our school's athletic director informed me that Holy Trinity was raising money for our family through the donation cans they had around the stadium, and giving me half of the proceeds from the gate, concessions and 50-50 raffle!

It was an incredible night and a special way to be honored. I am so thankful for all the love and support everyone has given to me and my family!

Friday October 19, 2012
Holy Trinity vs. First Academy

Me with the gate ladies
The sign for the players to run through
Pink and white streamers
Me with the cheerleaders 
Theresa and Cheryl
 two friends who encourage and support me
Receiving a check from 1st Academy

Treatments by Pictures

July 9, 2012 
1st Treatment

July 31, 2012
2nd Treatment

August 21, 2012
3rd Treatment

September 11, 2012
4th Treatment

October 2, 2012
5th Treatment

October 23, 2012
6th and
FINAL Treatment